Switching from Java to Scala

Citing a need to be able to respond faster to events, and disappointment in both feature set and timeframe for Java 7, the team is using Scala rather than Java for new projects.

The Azul Garbage Collector

InfoQ examines how Azul's collector works, and explores some techniques you can use to test the impact of garbage collection in your applications.

JSR 292 and the Multi-lingual JVM

Java 7 aims to improve support for dynamic languages through JSR 292. InfoQ takes a detailed look at the problems JSR 292 solves, and talks to JRuby lead Charles Nutter about JSR 292 in practice.

Evolving Java Without Changing the Language

InfoQ examines three techniques for encouraging experimentation with potential new Java language features - DSLs, the annotation processor, and moving the syntactic sugar from the language to the IDE.

Java FX Technology Preview

InfoQ takes a look at the JavaFX preview build and talks to Sun Staff Engineer Joshua Marinacci about the upcoming version 1 release expected this autumn.